שמע ישראל ה' אלהינו ה' אחד
فمن كان يرجوا لقاء ربه فليعمل عملا صالحا ولا يشرك بعبادة ربه أحدا

Apr 29, 2011

Ana Al Bab

Posted By Snow at 4/29/2011 2 comments
الباب تتحدث
The Door Tells A Story

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Once upon a time, in the Holy Land of Mecca, there was a young orphan from the noble Quraish tribe. His father, mother & grandfather passed away when he was very young, so he had felt the loneliness of losing them at such a tender age. After their death, he was cared by his uncle.

To earn a living, he became a boy shepherd, [1] and traded goods with his uncle. One day, while trading in Syria REF [2] when he was 12, a Christian priest saw signs of prophethood in him. He was told to be careful. As years passed, he grew up to be an honest man. He was a very well known for his honesty. [3,4]

[1] SB4.55.618 [2] 106 [3] Q11:85 [4] QA Business

One day ... a Quraish princess trusted him to trade goods for her. And the business was very blessed! Admiring his noble character, the princess asked him for his hand in marriage. & he said yes.

What a happy day! They were blessed with 4 beautiful daughters. They also had 2 sons, but they passed away young. So their family had only daughters. This is very special because his society considers baby girls as a shame. [5] But they still lived happily together with their daughters.

[5] Q16:58-59

As his age approached 40, he started to retreat from his people. One day in the month of Ramadan, when he was retreating in a cave, an angel appeared. The angel said "Read." But he can't read. Again the angel said "Read." But he can't read. He was illiterate, he never read or write before. But the angel continued:
اقرأ باسم ربك الذي خلق خلق الإنسان من علق
اقرأ وربك الأكرم الذي علم بالـقلم علم الإنسان ما لم يعلم
Read, in the name of your Lord who Created. Created man from a clot. Read, and your Lord is the Most Generous. Who Taught by the qalam. Taught man that which he knew not. [6]
He ran home in fear. His wife, the princess covered & comforted him. She took him to her cousin, an old wise Christian. Her cousin explained to them about the angel. He said society will turn him out, but he will support him. But soon the old wise man passed away. [7]

[6] QA Iqra [7] SB1.1.3

What the old wise man said was true. From a well respected man, he became the rejected. For bringing the message that "there is no God but Allah SWT" and denying the rock idols, he became an outcast. [8,9,10] But the princess continued to love & support him - in happiness & sadness. She supported the message of faith in Allah SWT.

The message spread to anyone who was willing to accept it. [11]

[8] Q18:6-7 [9] Q13:36-37 [10] Q108 [11] Q80:1-12

But they were held under aggression by the powerful people. They were tortured, humiliated and boycotted. Some of them had to migrate to Abyssinia, where the Christian King Negus believed & sheltered them. [12,13,14]

[12] Q3:113-114 [13] Q5:82-84 [14] SM4.2078

After 10 years of rejection, his sadness peaked when his wife, his princess... who loved & supported him so much, passed away. [15] His uncle passed away too that year. [16] So the year was called the "The Year of Sadness".

When he went to a nearby town, Ta'if, they pelted him with stones. Even though hurt & rejected, he still prayed that they will embrace the message. [17] He also prayed to Allah SWT about his weakness & lowliness in the eyes of people, but his wish is to please Allah alone. [18]

[15] SB5.58.168 [16] SB5.58.223 [17] SB4.56.683 [18] Q6:162

Then, one night, Allah SWT sent the angel to him. He was taken to Jerusalem and the Heavens! (Isra Mi'raj | Yom) [19] He saw so many wonderful things! (الرؤيا the vision) [20] Before returning, Allah SWT commanded the daily prayers to him.

Then when he told his people about it, they mocked him. But his very close friend stood up & believed him. From then on the believers started praying 5 times daily, facing Jerusalem.

[19] Q17:1, QA Isra [20] Q17:60

One day, some people from Yathrib came by. Yathrib was a place where the Jews lived. Some people said that, they were waiting for the Promised Messiah. [21, 22] By Allah's SWT Light, the Ansar of Yathrib believed him & spread the message there.

Soon they gained a strong support in Yathrib.

[21] Q7:157 [22] Q17:107-109

Finally, Allah SWT Commanded them to emigrate to Yathrib. On the night when his people were about to kill him - he & his close friend traveled to Yathrib. [23, 24]

Their arrival was welcomed happily! Yathrib became Medina! The Quba Mosque and the An-Nabawi Mosque were built. He also set up the Medina Constitution, giving rights & responsibilities to the diverse people of Medina. He joined the Ansars with the emigrants. [25] He extended peace to the Jews.

[23] Q9:40 [24] SB5.58.259 [25] Q59:9

Now they have a sovereign state. But, they were still a small force, when the Meccan pursued them with a big army to vanquish them. But by Allah's SWT Power, they won that Battle of Badr! [26] But they also died in the Battle of Uhud, because some breached his order. [27]

Like all nations, the defence protected the state's sovereignty. Even so, they're under Allah's Commands to never start war, & if offered peace they took it. [28] There were also internal issues which they handled patiently. [29] Even the kingdom of Prophet David is as such.

Ponder: Is the An-Nabawi Mosque built in the area of the Banu Najjar tribe? [30] The Banu Najjar are related to his great grandmother Salma bint Amr - is it true that the Medina Constitution state they are Jews? Will this mean he is from the line of House of David?

For the Jews, the Promised Messiah is from the House of David, and will govern a state. "Medina" (מדינה) means "state". It is the state that upholds the Law (din دين דין) and shines (munawwarah منورة מנורה).

With security & development in Medina, the muslim society flourished. More revelations were also revealed in Medina, like the change of qibla to Mecca. [31] He also sent invitations to Rome and Persia. REF

[26] QA Badr [27] QA Uhud [28] Q60:8-9, Q4:90, SB4.52.266
[29] QA Quba [30] SB4.51.32 [31] Q2:144

The message grew strong. By Allah's SWT Mercy, after ~8 years in Medina, the day came when he finally returned to his birth land. He cleansed the Kaabah from the rock idols. He restored it as it was originally built by Prophet Abraham. [32]

Even when his own people had hurt him, but he did not hurt them back. [33] He invited them to the message. The people embraced the message in droves! He praised Allah SWT and prayed for His forgiveness. [34]

For the Jews, the Promised Messiah will rebuild the Third Temple, where the sacrifice (korban קרבן) will be reinstated.

[32] QA Abraham [33] Q41:34-35 [34] QA Conquest

After Islam shines in Mecca, he was finally able to perform the pilgrimage & sacrifice (qurban قربان). This is his one & only pilgrimage. This is also his farewell pilgrimage. He left his last words on the plains of Arafah - that mankind is equal except for piety and deeds. That we will meet Allah SWT, and be judged. He said his goodbye. [35]

Then, after returning to Medina, he fell ill and passed away among his beloved companions. During his final breath, he mentioned the people, with love and remembrance.

[35] Last Sermon

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Peace be upon you, oh mercy of the universe

I seek refuge in Allah SWT from errors
Only Allah SWT Knows Best والله أعلم

Apr 16, 2011

Road Safety

Posted By Snow at 4/16/2011 1 comments
In just these recent days, I've seen multiple accidents on the road. I know I'm a woman, and all that stereotype. But today I think enough is enough, I'm standing my ground. These are two incidents that happened to me last night & this afternoon - that could end badly.

Be Considerate! Be Safe!

#1 Following closely & blinding head lights
Last night ~10 pm

The red car was following me too closely. I was going to make an exit at the junction, but I'm waiting for the blue car to pass by first. But the red car followed so closely, & it blinded me with it's headlights. I was seeing white lights and lost a little judgment to handle that exit! So I honked for it to stop blinding me. Isn't it horrible. As the junction nears, only by Allah's Mercy, I made a safe exit. الحمد لله

#2 Sudden lane changing
This afternoon ~1 pm

It was raining & the roads were slippery. The red car changed lanes without signaling. I swerved. The car went zig zag. Only by Allah's Mercy, I stabilized the car. الحمد لله People. This is how a vehicle jumped over the boundary to the opposite lane and smashed on the opposite car(s). This is how when someone drives very well, but suddenly BAM!!! A car crash landed on him. It's horrible!

I also had another car following me closely like #1. It even honked at me. But I did nothing wrong, my speed is suitable for the traffic. And I don't want to meek myself anymore I honked him back! I feel like I'm in a foreign country where people always honk, I don't want to do that. But you need to know this road is for me as well.

الحمد لله only by Allah SWT Mercy that we're safe
A dua (supplication) before riding a vehicle:
سبحان الذي سخر لنا هذا وما كنا له مقرنين
Glory to Him who has subjected this to us
and we could never have it (by our efforts). [Q43:13]

Yes. I'm a lady driver. & I also took physics, so I know my inertia & momentum. [Speed makes a difference] BTW, ArabNews reported Saudi Arabia has the highest road accident deaths in the world. 17 deaths a day. 1 death for every 1 ½ hour [street terrorism]

Guess what. (◠-◠)v

Peace be upon you

Bat Zion


קרן  .:💡:.  قرن
now in the cave

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