שמע ישראל ה' אלהינו ה' אחד
فمن كان يرجوا لقاء ربه فليعمل عملا صالحا ولا يشرك بعبادة ربه أحدا

Oct 31, 2011


Posted By Snow at 10/31/2011 3 comments

Even if a thousand times you deny
In your blood there is my breath

OK! So guess what race that guy is ...

Obviously the imprinted language is Indonesian. So yeah - he's Indonesian. He speaks Indonesian. He eats, live and his family is Indonesian. But ... he has a look, which is not the typical Indonesian look. Oh, how can he not look like his own race! (◠o◠) ماشاء الله

Malaysia have such foreign blood too - like Juliana Banos, Zara Salim Davidson, Zeti Akhtar ... People who look foreign you expect them to speak British English. But they're actually locals, perhaps of mix parentage. So believe it or not, Juliana Banos can speak Malay fluently. At first, some people thought this half-French can't speak Malay. But she's as fluent as this German. (◠v◠)

So, that is the Indonesian & Malaysian people for your thought.

............................................. .............................................

Anyway. Let's get to the big question. WHAT IS RACE?

"A lot of the difficulty in talking about race has been a lack of agreement on what “race” means. In the past, the idea of pure races also included an ordering of certain races as inherently superior to others.

We reject this idea absolutely.

However, that doesn’t mean that there are no genetic differences between populations of different ancestral origin. A few of our features use the genome-wide data of reference populations from around the world to trace the origin of pieces of an individual’s genome.

Some customers have complex patterns depending on where their ancestors originated. These reference populations aren’t “races”; they’re representative samples of peoples who have lived in a SINGLE PLACE for a very long time and have thus accumulated different sets of genetic variants over time." - Anne Wojcicki | ref

ماشاء الله so what ... some people have accumulated such a rich gene pool - that they're beyond being defined as a single race? And thank you ... Arabs and Jews aren't necessarily the superior race! Taller maybe, ha ha... wait that depends. Coz when I went for Hajj I sized up the Arabs, & I think I wasn't such a midget.

As the month of Hajj is here. Again I'm sharing this ... ماشاء الله

إن أباكم واحد كلكم لآدم وآدم من تراب
إن أكرمكم عند الله اتقاكم وليس لعربي فضل على عجمى إلا بالتقوى
Verily your father is one, all of you is from Adam, and Adam is from dust. Verily the more noble among you to Allah is the one with more taqwa. And there is no superiority for an Arab over a non Arab except by taqwa.

from the Last Sermon of Prophet Muhammad
recited at Arafah during his Farewell Hajj

Oct 15, 2011


Posted By Snow at 10/15/2011 1 comments

Khalel, you are my destiny Abraham
Shier than a veiled virgin girl, neither fahish nor mutafahhish
اعوذب لله من الشيطان الرجيم
ومن أحسن دينا ممن أسلم وجهه لله وهو محسن
واتبع ملة إبراهيم حنيفا واتخذ الله إبراهيم خليلا
And who is better in religion than one who submits himself to Allah while being a doer of good and follows the religion of Abraham, inclining toward truth? And Allah took Abraham as a khalil (close companion) | Holy Quran 4:125

Oct 12, 2011


Posted By Snow at 10/12/2011 3 comments

Designed with an Apple G4
& I personally can't tell if this is pretty enough or not

Well... I think one trait I'd love to have from Steve Jobs, is - improving things over & over. I read that recently of him, and it was deemed a brilliant trait. That is how Apple gets so iconic. الحمد لله

The evolution of Apple (1976 - present)
maybe the wood one was cool, but it can get cooler

So I hope it's a good trait. Work on it. No magic twinkles! Hala wallah! ☆

BTW, I first came to know the Apple brand since ~1992. I can't remember how it looks like, coz it was at my school lab. But I think I remember the rainbow apple logo. Now the logo is more glassy. & apparently, a much older one has Isaac Newton.

God Wills, things can get better

In the past few days, I see many Arabs love Steve Jobs

From God we come, to God we return... إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون

Oct 6, 2011

Dream Life

Posted By Snow at 10/06/2011 8 comments

Woooooow... will I live here | photo

Imagine. Waking up to the fragrant morning breeze. To the sound of the ocean and waterfalls. Outside your bedroom window, you see the lights of dawn. & hundreds of stars sprinkling in the skies. You start your day bathing in the clearest water.

After the morning prayers, you have breakfast - bread, tomatoes, chicken, fruits & milk. All fresh from your own yard; and an organic farm nearby.

You kiss your family, pat the pets. Then you ride your beautiful horse to the office. A traditional building married with modern technology. It's shaded by trees & powered with clean energy. It respects the environment. You smile watching sheeps grazes the lawns. Come lunch hour, you bring your own plates to the cafeteria. No disposables, no litter and the environment is clean. & there's cafeterias for different food culture of the world. Races mingle happily. You're happy.

At work. You give the best, as everyone appreciates giving. Everyone lives truly about service. & the best does not take it to the grave, as they train others to succeed them. Everybody is good at something.

............................. .............................

As dusk fall, you're home again. Lights dimmed. You have a nice candle lit dinner with your beloved family - home made noodles, with fresh crab meat stew & fruit juice picked from your garden. After some errands, you spend some time enjoying the natural surroundings of your home. You gaze upon the sky and see Orion; and tell your beloved, winter is here. You oversee the children's activities & homeworks. & when it's time, you kiss the children & family to sleep.

As you secluded to pray the night prayers and read the Quran. You feel at peace. You feel the purpose of life. You know your destination. Finally, you rest in the darkness of the night; as the ocean lullabies, and the garden fragrances calms you to sleep.
............................. .............................

Come one day when you never wake up again, they wish may God Bless you.
You're remembered by your deeds. & may you rest in peace.

Peace be upon you

Bat Zion


קרן  .:💡:.  قرن
now in the cave

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