שמע ישראל ה' אלהינו ה' אחד
فمن كان يرجوا لقاء ربه فليعمل عملا صالحا ولا يشرك بعبادة ربه أحدا

Dec 21, 2012

Agra Fort

Posted By Snow at 12/21/2012 1 comments

The 16th century Red Fort of Agra | Diwan Am

The Red Fort of Agra - located near the gardens of Taj Mahal - encompasses the imperial city of the Mughal. The rulers received guests here. The public was welcomed at the Diwan Am (ديوان عام), where as the Diwan Khas (ديوان خاص) was for private audience. وشاورهم في الأمر [Q3:159], وأمرهم شورى بينهم [Q42:38]

It's so beautiful - much more with flowy curtains, carpets & cushions. ماشاء الله

Dec 5, 2012


Posted By Snow at 12/05/2012 0 comments

By blood, I'm malay with Javanese ancestry... so yeah I root from the same asian maid servant people. I know some say, the east asians are not as beautiful as the maghribiyyah (west). But like any other race, I think some can be pretty. (◠v◠)v

& since ancient times, perhaps the 15th century, the land has been a melting pot of races. واختلاف ألسنتكم وألوانكم [Q30:22], لتعارفوا [Q49:13] People came by trade route (Arabs, Indian, Chinese) or spreading the empire (Portuguese, Dutch, British).

If I may introduce the queen of championing the eastern  malay culture - from baju kurung, songket, cucuk sanggul to pantun etc. She is Sharifah Azah Aziz Alsagoff. & in her youth, she looks more like Elizabeth Taylor. [her daughter Zeti Akhtar] ماشاء الله

Nov 21, 2012

Ben David

Posted By Snow at 11/21/2012 6 comments

The Jerusalem Temple flower gate (باب الساهرة) | Foundation Stone . Holy . Zion
The 8 petals seems like electron shells (octet rule) ❄️⚡ dharma . chakra

OK, the Jerusalem First Temple was built by Solomon [QA] the son of David [QA]. Allah SWT blessed the kingdom as the most grand of all time. But after he passed away, the kingdom divided into Israel & Judah. Both later fell and exiled, when the Assyrians [ref] conquered Israel, while the Babylonians conquered Judah and destroyed the First Temple. [QA]

The Lost Tribes of Israel
ואתנך לברית עם לאור גוים

Iron Age in India, China

R1A Ashkenazi Levites
(Levi לוי Cohen כהן) share
Indo Europen ancestry

⛰️ Himalaya

For the Lost Tribes of Israel, they vanished into nations. והנעותי בכל הגוים את בית ישראל [Amos 9:9] Some suggest they traveled the Silk Road, with resemblances across Asia.

E.g. Anahata (Star of David), Deva (David), Asura (Assyrian), Meru (Moriah), Sumeru (Samaria), qin 琴 (kinnor כנור), mandap मंडप (chuppah חופה), chapati चपाती (matzo מצה), bindi बिन्दु (totafot טוטפת).

अनाहत Anahata

धर्म Dharma chakra

八卦 Bagua


imperial crest

Macedonian star
"Enter the gate
in prostration"
Q2:58 | Confucius

Ur David is a mummy found in Xinjiang | R1A | Leavitt family

ولقد آتينا داود منا فضلا ياجبال أوبي معه والطير وألنا له الحديد | Holy Quran 34:10
In Islam there is the mountain glorifying Allah SWT with David

Only the Samaritans survived and remained. While the Jews were exiled to Babylon and settled in Persia. Then the Eastern Persian (Cyrus) rebuilt the Second Temple and permitted the Jews to return from exile. אנכי העירתהו בצדק וכל דרכיו אישר הוא יבנה עירי וגלותי ישלח [Isaiah 45:13] But after the Western Romans came, they destroyed the Second Temple, and the Jews were exiled again.

Restoration Of The Jerusalem Temple

وعد ربنا لمفعولا
the promise of our Lord has been fulfilled
Third Temple
Then the light of Islam shines from the South in Arabia. From Medina Al Munawwarah (מדינה המנורה), Umar Al Khattab peacefully took over Jerusalem from the Romans, and permitted the Jews to return from exile (Covenant of Umar العهدة العمرية). Accompanied by the Jewish Ka'b Al Ahbar as advisor والأحبار بما استحفظوا من كتاب الله [Q5:44], it was Umar who restored the Jerusalem Temple to the First Temple of Solomon — the faith as it was during the time of Abraham.

peace, safe,

The legacy of Abraham [QA] and Israel [QA] is Islam. The Islamic faith means surrendering in peace to the One God, Allah SWT. أسلمت لرب العالمين [Q2:131-132] It is the "Shema Israel" passed down from parent to child. שמע ישראל ה' אלהינו ה' אחד (Hear Israel, Our God He is One) REF REF

"Solomon" (שלםה) & "Jerusalem" (ירושלים) root from "shlm" (שלם). It is "salam" (سلم) in Arabic - the root word for "Islam" (إسلام). לבבכם שלםx| 1 Kings 8:57-61

The Return Of The Israelite

During this Islamic Period, it's suggested that the Samaritans embraced Islam. [Levy-Rubin | ref ref] Thus, Palestinian Muslims with Samaritan ancestry are indeed Israelite — with rights to the Holy Land.

It is also suggested that, the European Jews are a mixed of Caucasus, European, Semitic ancestries [E. Elhaik | ref map]. So if the rest of Israelite have mixed across nations ונברכו בך כל משפחת האדמה ובזרעך [Genesis 28:14], will all mankind have rights to the Holy Land as well?

An example of this mixing is Muhammad's own great grandparents during the Roman Period — Hashim from Bani Ishmael Salma from Bani Najjar. In the Medina Constitution, Bani Najjar is stated as Jews. Which means the present Jordan Hashemite, descends from the House of David. [lineage]

Arabs & Jews are genetic brothers — they are both semites [NCBI | ref]

Even the Arabic and Hebrew languages are very similar:
אלוה الله
Allah (God)
עבד عبد
abed (servant)
ברכה بركة
baraka (blessing)
אמונה إيمان
iman (faith)
כפרה كفارة
kaffara (atonement)
מנורה منورة
menorah (light)
נביא نبي
nabi (prophet)
נפש نفس
nafs (soul)
קדוש قدس
quds (holy)
קרבן قربان
qurban (sacrifice)
צדקה صدقة
sadaqah (charity)
צום صوم
saum (fast)
צלאה صلاة
solla (pray)
רחם رحم
rahm (mercy)
רוח روح
rouh (spirit)
טהור طهر
tahor (pure)
מלכות בית דוד ملكوت بيت داود
malkut beit Dawood (kingdom of the house of David)

רחמים על העולמות رحمة للعالمين
rahmat lil alamin (mercy to the worlds)

I believe a true Jew can recognize the Jerusalem Temple is restored to the First Temple of Solomon. Now, if the Temple becomes Jewish, I'm afraid if it will become the Second Temple after they divided. & we wait for the second coming of Jesus. [QA | prophecy]

I seek refuge in Allah SWT from errors
Only Allah SWT Knows Best والله أعلم

Nov 11, 2012

At Yafa

Posted By Snow at 11/11/2012 1 comments

You're beautiful as you are
The freckles are cute! & the shy humble eyes is lovely

Can a lady be beautiful without much effort in beauty?

Honestly, I don't even know what's the latest beauty products, styles etc. & I will be so happy if I don't have to wear make up to be gorgeous. الحمد لله So. Can a woman who have no idea what Coco Chanel is up to this winter, still be beautiful? In this world of super beauties are the glorious ever.

Still, other lady bloggers are so into beauty. And I'm like: "I love this collection of rocks" (0 - 0) Is there another woman who would say such a phrase. So I wouldn't feel strange in this world. & I hope she's beautiful even as she digs that meteorites. (◠v◠)v

PS: & sorry. Apparently, Coco Chanel has passed away in winter 1971.

Oct 29, 2012


Posted By Snow at 10/29/2012 0 comments

At the center of the world, the Arabs look very diverse ماشاء الله
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
يا أيها الناس اتقوا ربكم الذي خلقكم من نفس واحدة
وخلق منها زوجها وبث منهما رجالا كثيرا ونساء
واتقوا الله الذي تساءلون به والأرحام إن الله كان عليكم رقيبا‏
O mankind, fear your Lord, who created you from one soul, and created from it its mate, and dispersed from both of them many men and women. And fear Allah, through whom you ask one another (or your rights), and the wombs (mercy). Indeed Allah is ever, over you, an Observer. [Holy Quran 4:1]
"They took samples of DNA from people living in different parts of the world and used the technique to peer back through time at the individuals' lineage. As they compared different lineages they eventually arrived back at a common ancestor - and discovered that the DNA profile of that ancestor survived in people living today in Arabia. This suggests that billions of people around the world have an ancient ancestry in Arabia." [AJHG]

I seek refuge in Allah SWT from errors
Only Allah Knows Best والله أعلم

Oct 18, 2012

Snow & Huntsman

Posted By Snow at 10/18/2012 0 comments

This weekend (20th - 21st), the Orionid meteor shower will light up the night sky! The meteors are actually a debris trail from Halley's Comet. The Earth are plowing right through this debris trails - so enjoy some bits of comet... (◠v◠) كل في فلك يسبحون [Q21:33]

And lets travel to Orion. This video explores the Orion Nebula, a stellar nursery where new stars are born. هي دخان [Q41:11] It's the closest star nursery to Earth, & it may give clues on how our own solar system was birthed. والله أعلم

As they say, we are made of star dust! [ref] .:(*v*):. ماشاء الله Well, elements in our human body are created in the stars. E.g: the carbon in our skin حمإ مسنون [Q15:26], the oxygen in our breath الماء اهتزت [Q22:5]. Even the iron in our blood was created just before a star went supernova. أو حديدا [Q17:50]

Anyway, I'm also amazed at how beautiful snow flakes are. Such masterpiece must be designed. سبح اسم ربك الأعلى الذي خلق فسوى والذي قدر فهدى [Q87:1-3], والسماء رفعها ووضع الميزان [Q55:7] & the hydrogen in the snow was not created in the stars, but created after the universe was born, from the Big Bang itself. كانتا رتقا [Q21:30] It is the very first element. سبحان الله


BTW, isn't it amazing how both the stars & snow are created in clouds ...
Does it resemble the tawaf (circling the Kaabah), and muslims worldwide facing Mecca?
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
فأقم وجهك للدين حنيفا فطرة الله التي فطر الناس عليها
لا تبديل لخلق الله ذلك الدين القيم ولكن أكثر الناس لا يعلمون
So set your face toward the religion of truth. The fitrah (nature) of Allah upon which He has created mankind. Let there be no change in the creation (religion) of Allah. This is the right religion, but most people do not know. [Holy Quran 30:30]
I seek refuge in Allah SWT from errors
Only Allah SWT Knows Best والله أعلم

Peace be upon you

Bat Zion


קרן  .:💡:.  قرن
now in the cave

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