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Nov 11, 2012

At Yafa

Posted By Snow at 11/11/2012

You're beautiful as you are
The freckles are cute! & the shy humble eyes is lovely

Can a lady be beautiful without much effort in beauty?

Honestly, I don't even know what's the latest beauty products, styles etc. & I will be so happy if I don't have to wear make up to be gorgeous. الحمد لله So. Can a woman who have no idea what Coco Chanel is up to this winter, still be beautiful? In this world of super beauties are the glorious ever.

Still, other lady bloggers are so into beauty. And I'm like: "I love this collection of rocks" (0 - 0) Is there another woman who would say such a phrase. So I wouldn't feel strange in this world. & I hope she's beautiful even as she digs that meteorites. (◠v◠)v

PS: & sorry. Apparently, Coco Chanel has passed away in winter 1971.

1 comments on "At Yafa"

Snow on Nov 15, 2012, 12:51:00 PM said...

"When we die, our bodies become (the earth, and it grows) the grass, and the antelope eat the grass. And so we are all connected in the great circle of life." - Mufasa

Maybe Abu Turab will love the rock collection. ♥ سبحان الله

Peace be upon you

Bat Zion


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