שמע ישראל ה' אלהינו ה' אחד
فمن كان يرجوا لقاء ربه فليعمل عملا صالحا ولا يشرك بعبادة ربه أحدا

Sep 11, 2014

In 3 Weeks

Posted By Snow at 9/11/2014

Friday, Oct 3, 2014
Eid Adha, Yom Kippur

Isn't it beautiful... ماشاء الله
Did I read it right?

Last Sermon

The day before Eid is the Day of Arafah. On this day, people of various colors from all over the world, gather at the plains of Arafah - the same plains where Adam & Eve were reunited. This is in remembrance of the Day of Judgement [QA], when mankind will gather & receive our Book of Deeds.

On this day at the Mount of Mercy, Prophet Muhammad delivered his Last Sermon: "Remember, one day you will appear before Allah and answer your deeds."

Then on the Day of Eid, meat is sacrificed to feed the poor. This act of sacrifice is called qurban (korban קרבן).

1 comments on "In 3 Weeks"

Snow on Oct 7, 2014, 9:00:00 PM said...

Both muslims & jews use the moon calendar.
So... I'm feeling pretty sure it falls on the same day. ♥ ماشاء الله

Peace be upon you

Bat Zion


קרן  .:💡:.  قرن
now in the cave

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